This happened in Brasov City in Romania. The tourist tripped on a hole created by some missing pavement and the Tesla had a split second to react, but managed to swerve and avoid the falling man. Everybody was ok. No major injuries. Both cars are insured and will be fixed on the insurance policy, but…
The Greens were wrong! It is Microbes not Fossil Fuels!
Donald Trump, when President of the US, heavily criticised the zero-fossil-fuels lobby saying that their science wasn’t right, and to some extent, he is backed-up by a new study at University of Colorado (CU) showed that Micro-organisms growing in landfills, on agricultural land and in wetlands are contributing to skyrocketing levels of atmospheric methane, the…
The Doctor has already seen you!
Researchers at UCLA just developed SLIViT, (really, they couldn’t find a better name), a new AI model that can analyze complex 3D medical scans with expert-level accuracy in a fraction of the time required by human specialists. The SLice Integration by Vision Transformer can analyze various 3D imaging types, including MRIs, CT scans, and ultrasounds…